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Everything You Need to Plan for Baby's Arrival + Create Your Dream Baby Nursery

With The Nursery Planning Starter Kit, you'll have all the templates, resources, and toolkits you need to successfully plan for baby's arrival with your partner, and build out the baby nursery of your dreams with ease and confidence. 

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Modern Neutral Digital Product Computer Mockup Promotional Instagram Post (1)_edited.png

Managing the Nursery Prep + Baby Planning Journey While Growing A Baby Is HARD.

Let's Get Rid of the Stress + Overwhelm!

Let's face it --- your design vision board, random post-it reminders, text message threads with your partner on action items, lists of product options to consider, and paper budget trail just aren't working.... 


does this sound familiar?

Struggling to make sense of the ideas in your head, and where to start

Don't know where to find furniture at different price points

Can't keep track of all the moving pieces between the nursery  + planning for baby

Your to-do list keeps growing and your drowning in a list a mile long

Too overwhelmed to even get started in creating a baby registry

Struggling to keep up with the ever-increasing costs and where money is going

You're not alone. 


The truth is that getting prepared and organized for baby is a game changer, one that will make you feel motivated, energized, and capable of diving head-first into being a mom and caring for your little one. 


The problem? Feeling overwhelmed by all the conflicting information out there on what to buy, and what items you have to have on hand, keeps you feeling stuck and prevents you from making decisions and moving forward with ANY of the baby preparation. 

But what if there was a way to get you unstuck and taking action? 

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The Nursery Planning Starter Kit:



Grab a copy of my personal budget and nursery planning tool. A preloaded Excel with all the budgetary considerations mapped out for you, as well as a list of action items to plan for baby's arrival, so you and your partner can get on the same page for costs and your growing to-do list. 



Tired of thinking about what you may or may not need? Don't worry, I got you. Snag my detailed baby registry, complete with direct links to Amazon and other suppl, to take out the guesswork and scrolling. All costs are also listed, so you can decide what works for you now, and what can be pinned for later. 
Pro Tip: Amazon has an amazing baby registry promo, where as long as you have a Prime account, when you create a baby registry, you get a 15% discount, up to $2000 on any unpurchased items on your list. 



Take the guesswork out of the design process with these 5 custom colour palettes and room decor inspiration templates. Each one shows you exactly how to pull the room together and comes with links to the resources and a budget cost. Use one to streamline your design direction, or mix and match until you land on your own custom nursery feel. 



Get your hands on the ultimate nursery toolkit, filled with hand-curated finds of all the nursery necessities. Reduce the friction and option overload searching online creates. Instead check out this toolkit filled with all the resources you need at different price points, to fit any budget. 


When I first started designing my son's nursery, I thought it would be easy.... only to realize that the world of babies was confusing and filled with uncertainty. 

Once I finally decided to take a step back and put my design and planning skills to good use, that's when I was finally able to keep track of all the moving parts with my husband, know exactly where our money needed to go, and felt aligned in the nursery direction I was creating for my child.

-- one that yes, looked good, but was crafted with his safety and needs in mind. 

That's why I created the Nursery Planning Started Kit, so you can have all the templates, resources, and toolkits easily at your fingertips to 
successfully plan for your baby's arrival with your partner, and build out the baby nursery of your dreams with ease and confidence. 

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Includes all of my must-have designing and planning resources: 

5 Custom Design Templates showing you how to pull a room together with links and a total budget per room design

1 Ultimate Nursery Toolkit providing ease in product selection to meet any budget 

1 Budget and Baby Planning Tool to align your growing to-do list and project costs with your partner in crime 

1 Detailed Baby Registry making the registration process a snap. Simply click, review, and add to registry. 🫰


If you're new around this part of the internet, I'm Gabriella...

I'm Here to Say....Building Your Dream Home Doesn’t Need to be Filled with Strain and Struggle

After 12+ years of designing and managing residential homes, cafes, fitness studios, restaurants, and hospitals, I’ve learned what makes a remodeling project successful and why projects fail.


The biggest -- it’s not about the vision, it’s about the strategy.

 And while planning it out may not be sexy.... it's what separates a successful project from one that leaves you with nothing but horror stories.


I can show you how to avoid costly mistakes, and instead hit that sweet spot​

where you get the home of your dreams without stressing over every dime

you see and understand the bigger picture and how it all ties together 

and you gain confidence in your decisions so you can love the experience and continue to live your life throughout the design and construction process

If you’re looking to create something truly special and unique for you and your family, without losing your sanity and hard-earned cash, I’m here to help.

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Image by Collov Home Design

It's Time to Make Planning
For A Baby A Breeze 

How much time have you wasted trying to find items online? 


How much mindless scrolling have you done, but are still no closer to figuring out your design direction? 


How uneasy do you feel when you think about alllllll the things you need to buy? 


The Nursery Planning Starter Kit gives you the tools and templates to make planning for a baby a breeze--- know exactly what you need to buy, how much it's going to cost, and who's going to do the work. 

Get rid of the stress and overwhelm, and move
forward with confidence and ease! 

2024 Gabriella Milgrom Co.

All Rights Reserved. 

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