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Ready for An Office That Meets Your Individual Entrepreneurial Needs AND Looks Great to Boot??


Looking to revamp your office and need a more personalized and expert touch on the look, feel, and decor selections?

I'm here to help take your office from meh and boring, to a knockout space that meets all your work-related needs ---including filming and recording for social media. 😏





Struggling with option overload and self-doubt when it comes to picking furniture and lighting for your office -- you need it to work and look good on camera right!? 


 You're feeling lost and out of place when it comes to colour options, decor choices, focal points, and layout considerations.... where do you start, and how do you piece it all together?


You're spending waaaayyyy too much time on Pinterest looking up ideas, but still feel gun-shy about making a decision and changing your space. 

You're worried about making big mistakes that will cost you..... in time and budget. You can't afford to be making multiple trips to pick juuuuusssttt the right colour, painting multiple times, or spending hours trying to find the right decor pieces. You need to be able to knock out this office revamp in a weekend and need a plan to know exactly how.  

What is E-Design & Is It Right For Me?


E-Design is the perfect way to get a custom look and feel in your home office, one that looks like it was designed by a pro, at a fraction of the cost. 

Particularly if the thought of trying to figure out your office has you thinking and feeling any of these...... 

Your office needs to be the workhorse and hub of your business. You can't waste time shuffling your stack of to-do papers from one section to another as you try and make your space serve multiple purposes when it hasn't been designed for those purposes in mind..... yet. 

Let me do the heavy lifting for you, and mold and shape your vision and needs into a cohesive design plan that's easy to follow, and shows you exactly what to buy and where to put it.


Move forward with confidence and experience the relief a well-laid out and beautiful office can bring to your work day. 

We do the designing. So you don't have to. 

home decor ideas home aesthetic berry avenue codes coffee table arrangment hype beast bedr
The Home Office Revealed - Signed, Samantha.jpg


Questionnaire + Dimensions

After checkout, you'll be prompted to send us information about your room, photos of the existing space, and dimensions prior to us getting started on your design package. It's the critical first step that sets the foundation. 


Curated Design Plan

I'll get to work sourcing product and design selections. A mood board will be created based on the info and photo direction provided in the questionnaire, and we get to work pulling all the products and selections together into your final design plan and supporting docs. 


Add to Cart

At the end of the process, you'll receive your final design package and all the supporting documents you need to proceed with confidence. Plus a video walk thru of the design and all the goodies for your room is provided to show you how everything fits together and clarity on your next steps, so you can take the reins and execute with confidence! 


Hands-on design services at it's finest. We do all the work so you can focus on living your life 

A curated design plan, customized to your room, likes, and wishes. Includes:

  • a mood board

  • a visual outline of the design direction

  • hand-picked selections for the room of choice within your price range and ideal budget

  • floor plan with dimensions

  • 2x 3D views with all the details to help you visualize the space

  • list of all products and selections with links so you can take the reins and see your room easily come to life

A video recording walking you through the design, the why's behind the decisions, the selections, and direction on next steps and how to pull the room together. 

If you need more feedback from our selections once you've tested the options in your home, there is an opportunity to send photos and get clarification on choices BEFORE you commit. 

Zero guesswork or uncertainty around sizing and purchases

Save time and money knowing the options selected will work together and be within your budget parameters


Raving Fans

Nicole Cleckner

As a newbie in the world of construction, she made the process so easy. She was excellent at explaining next steps and how we were going to tackle problems.... I always felt safe with her. "

Dessi Dimitrova

"Working with Gabriella has been nothing short of an amazing experience! Professional, reliable, fun, and engaging. This experience has been better than I could have imagined."

Jan Renee

“Gabriella is an easy choice to bring into any project. Her energetic and detail- oriented management skills combined with her product knowledge, industry relations, and great "design flair" really bring added value to the project.”

Benefits To You

Lord knows you have a lot on your plate, and as much as you want to dive head first into all things interior design and styling, all the options out there can be overwhelming and time-consuming to sift through..... and sometimes we                                                                           to get the ball rolling to proceed with confidence.

Be it a time crunch, overwhelm, indecision, or nagging self doubt--- 

E-Design gives you an interior designer in your back pocket to make all the decisions, but gives you the reins to take your room design from vision to life, without all the time and hassle of figuring it out on your own. 

just need a little help

we got you!

Creating Dreamy Spaces Doesn't Need to Be Overwhelming or Incur Countless Returns

After 12+ years of designing and managing residential homes, cafes, fitness studios, restaurants, and hospitals, I’ve created more than a handful of dreamy spaces. 

And while it is always nice to be brought into full home renovations and to be your interior designer for the whole concept through to completion, I know that sometimes you just need a little help to nail that one room and create peace of mind in your home and in your heart. 

Because at the end of the day, it's about creating a place that is comfortable and inviting. And when our home is at odds to what we feel, and doesn't bring a sense of calm and comfort, it's difficult to enjoy ourselves. 

So we spend hours searching the web for the perfect piece that will tie it all together, only to make a purchase and it JUST. NOT. CLICK......

I know what to look for when shopping, can pick out pieces from online categories that coordinate with existing items in a snap, have suppliers and resources to pull from when in a pinch, and have the design savvy and flair to pull room ideas to life from inspirational photos. 

sound familiar.....?

gabriellamilgrom.co_savvy design academy_sample sourcing

Let me take the burden off your shoulders and help you create the comforting and inviting home you've been dreaming of. 

- Gabriella

Sound Good? Let's Get Started With Next Steps

Next Steps



Purchase your e-design package and watch the weight drop off your shoulders. 



A simple design services contract will come your way laying out the terms so we're both on the same page of what to expect. 



Once the contract is signed off, an onboarding email comes in hot with a design questionnaire and upload links so we can fully understand your goals and desires prior to hopping into your project.

Please note that virtual design services do not provide architectural design drawings or cabinet detailed drawings. A floor plan to show design intent and items to scale are provided, but full drawing packages are not part of the virtual design service. 

Package Curves- Big (1).png


TIMELINE: 3-5 weeks from investment, but the exact timeline is based on when all necessary documents and answers to questions are provided.


$597 + GST


Looking to redesign your home office so it fits the needs of your growing business? Our talented interior design team can help you through the process! Once you've sent us room dimensions (or plans if you have them), photos of your space, and inspiration images, we'll get to work. An inspiration mood board will be created and reviewed, and then a final selection mood board, with sources, will be sent. Included in your e-design will be all of the following items (as needed based on your space):

+ desk
+ chair
+ accent lighting
+ area rugs
+ paint colours

+ artwork
+ decor
+ storage solutions
+ cabinetry hardware
+ organizational items (baskets, totes etc.

+ direction and clarity via a floor plan that shows you exactly what to buy and where to put it to create functional working zones, flow, and areas of multi-purpose use... for the many hats your business wears.

  • What exactly is a design package and project plan?
    Put simply, the design package is the visual entity, and the project plan is the meat and potatoes holding it together. A design package is a collection of floor plans, measurements, reference images, elevation sketches, images of selected products and notes/ examples of how you want something to be executed or finished for clarity to ensure you receive accurate and fair pricing from your suppliers, trades, and contractors, avoid finger pointing from miscommunication, and have a clear vision and idea of what you are trying to create and how it will look in the end. A project plan is the outline and details that provides the back-end information on how the design project is to come to life and the why behind it all. It is the collection of the purpose of the project, the detailed list of work, the priority list breakdown, budget, timeline with high level milestones and task breakdown, and the list of assumptions and restrictions. All this information becomes your North Store, guiding you through all your decisions. In fact, you’ve probably had a smaller version of a design package and little tidbits of a project plan in your previous projects. But with the process taught in Savvy Design Academy, you walk away with a full design package that can be given to trades, suppliers, and contractors on what you want your finished space to look like AND a project plan that outlines what is involved and how you are going to get there.
  • What’s included within the Savvy Design Academy?
    Savvy Design Academy is a the most comprehensive program for designing, outlining, planning, and budgeting any home design project—renovation, remodel, addition, or new build. It’s the only online program of its kind that teaches you the design tools you need to nail down a cohesive package --- and the strategies you need in place before you launch into construction. This program is taught over 6 modules with multiple lessons. Each lesson includes a video class teaching you the system and tools you’ll be mastering, homework to put the lesson into action, and templates and resources to help you along the way.
  • What will I learn in this program?
    Our 6 week program focuses on mastering four key pillars of any home renovation, remodel, addition, or new build --- map it out, design your space, outline + define, and piece it together --- which when combined help you to systematically work through the unique components of your project and relate them back to one another, so by the end of our time together, you walk away with a mid-level design package that can be given to trades, suppliers, and contractors on what you want your finished space to look like AND a project plan that outlines what is involved and how you are going to get there. By the end of the program, you will: · Create an interior space that looks like it is designed by a professional but was actually done by you. · Reduce project overwhelm by following a step by step process that easily walks you through next steps and how to approach each decision and project need · Overcome decision overload and avoid option paralysis to pick the right options for your home and budget · Get off the Instagram rollercoaster of self doubt, comparison, and overthinking and instead find your own unique style for your unique home and family needs · Know how much your dream vision will cost and have the tools to put into place if you can’t afford it all right now
  • What if the program doesn’t meet my needs?
    No problem. We have a 14 day money back guarantee for this program. If you are at all unhappy, just contact us at, submit the requested proof of work, and we’ll be happy to assist you.
  • Are my credit details secure?
    Yes. All payments are processed through are payment processor and are 100% secure. No information is stored on our end.
  • Do I get access to the program all at once or only in pieces?
    As this program is designed to walk you through the required process to ensure project success, each module is dripped released through the duration of the weeks. This allows you to work through each module without getting shiny object syndrome, and increases your chances of successfully nailing your project package and plan to create your dream home by seeing how they all fit together and impact one another.
  • How long will I have access to the program?
    Home projects are never ending, and as soon as we finish one, we eagerly hope into the next. For this reason, lifetime access is granted to the course to help you move through the process on various projects as they arise.
  • What if I have a question or need support?
    We are here to help. Simply contact us at, and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.

I've Got A's to Your Q's. 

Let Me Create the Most Magical, Multi-Purpose Office Space To Help You Grow Your Business

How much money have you wasted by buying the wrong thing, or starting to tackle your office and stopping because something just doesn’t feel right? 

How often do you walk into your office and get frustrated because it doesn't look like how you want it to, but you can't figure out where to start and what to do? 

E-Design is the perfect solution to give you a custom home office design, that works exactly how you need it to, at a fraction of the cost. 

We take on a limited number of e-design projects each year, so snag yours today because spots are filling up quickly! 

2024 Gabriella Milgrom Co.

All Rights Reserved. 

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